Table of Contents

Many people acquire hundreds of new Instagram followers each month, but how on earth do they manage it?

Many people acquire hundreds of new subscribers each month, but how on earth do they manage it?

We are all aware that there are various tactics you can employ, with the follow-unfollow technique being the least advantageous but most common (VOMIT). No, we won’t be training you any sleazy tricks today, so don’t worry!

Instead, today we’re going to give you a behind-the-scenes look at how our Instagram account has been regularly adding over 800 new Instagram followers each month.

eager as anything to begin? I’m sure you are!

Here is where our account stands at the time of writing this case study before we delve into the strategies and techniques we use to add free trial followers instagram.

Really amazing, no? Another point to keep in mind is that, ever since we started our and the a few years ago, we have (rarely) stopped posting for 1-2+ months at a time. It really is the truth of operating a startup on your own.

We have only had a full-time employee who is responsible for all aspects of our Instagram strategy—from content to interaction to looking for partnerships and advertising opportunities—for the past eight months.

Knowing our history with this cherished Instagram handle allows us to move on to the thrilling parts.


The best Instagram has undergone significant shift over the years.

Do you recall the period in 2015–2016 when posting three times per day produced amazing results? I do, and I am so happy that I no longer need to settle down and create that much content.

We began the year of 2018 by posting to the grid everyday and as many as five times a week. Since then, we’ve discovered that posting to the grid three to four times a week, along with daily tales, is the frequency that works best for us.


We used to post at around 7 p.m. AEST for a long period (yes, we are based in Australia!). but in the past 6 months we experimented with posting at 3pm and 1pm and discovered that 3pm is our best posting time by a long shot.

Although 3pm is a fantastic moment for us to post, please remember that it’s important to figure out what works for your particular Instagram account. Timezones undoubtedly have a significant impact on what posting times are most effective for you because w

e all have followers who are in various time zones.


Although we wholeheartedly advise switching up your Instagram hashtags at least once a month, through all of our testing we have discovered that one hashtag grouping in particular really increases our interaction.

How did we discover our top-performing hashtags? within the statistics.

It’s extremely unusual in the Instagram world free indian followers, but it just so happens that when we use this particular set of hashtags, we typically receive above 400 likes per post as opposed to 275–350 likes when we use other hashtags.


Offering valuable content is at the centre of our complete content strategy. What makes our, however, so juicy?

Everything we upload to Instagram has to be amusing or educational, which is why our content is so popular. It won’t be uploaded if it doesn’t fit one of these criteria.

The content that is hilarious or insanely helpful is our sweet spot for getting lots of interaction, according to our app analytics, which we used to test what content works best for us on Instagram.

Find out what material works well for you using your analytics, then keep producing it.


Would you think that I only use Instagram for an hour or so each day?

I now know that it is actually closer to 53 minutes thanks to the new Instagram activity tools!

What I do in those 53+ minutes each day, however, that contributes to our success in gaining development like 800+ new Instagram followers each month, is what is actually fascinating.


Examining the hashtags that your ideal Instagram fans are using is a crucial strategy that is frequently disregarded.

Take the time to leave sincere, heartfelt comments in your best-performing hashtags as you are likely to find people who are searching for brands similar to yours there. Then, see where they take you.


Fun fact: Since many of the influencers we know and admire use, I have set up post notifications for them.

Why? I try to support the influencers who support and promote us by leaving comments on their fresh posts because I’m all about rainbows, sunshine, and friends backing friends.


Instagram’s direct messages offer a wonderful platform for showcasing the character and humanity of your business.

GIFs, audio messages, and video responses are great ways to spice up your direct messages and make your audience feel incredibly valued.

In the long run, your audience will be much more likely to support your business and take action if you take the time to establish trust and familiarity with them.


You should be ready for some feedback if you ever decide to run an Instagram commercial that will appear in the newsfeed.

Most of the time, they are sweet inquiries from brand supporters who tag their peers… typically, Instagram is full of nice people!

But occasionally, followers india free a commenter will target your brand, and you’ll need to react quickly to stop the ire from spreading. From me to you, pay careful attention to the comments.


The importance of brand hashtags cannot be overstated, particularly if you want to increase the amount of user-generated content (UGC) that is available for re-posting.

I dedicate at least 10 minutes each day to searching through the content posted by our beautiful using the hashtag. Additionally, ‘following’ your brand handle enables you to receive the most popular posts right in your newsfeed.


We frequently get tagged in Instagram posts as an Instagram-friendly company. For this reason, it’s crucial for us to join in and make kind comments for those who take the time to mention us.

Make sure you reply promptly and express your gratitude if you want to encourage your audience to tag you in posts.


We presently have one running Instagram advertisement as I compose this blog. It regularly drives downloads for our Instagram scheduling app, and as an added bonus, it increases the number of followers we have once people discover our campaign. It has been successful for months.

If you haven’t dipped your toe in the water of advertising yet, I’d certainly suggest you give it a try even though we aren’t actively trying to gain followers with our Instagram advertisements.

You have the tale now! I sincerely hope that by sharing our Instagram approach with you, you have learned a few things.

Please feel free to spread the word about this piece to anyone who is having trouble deciding what to post, how frequently to post, or who is simply interested in learning how we expand our Instagram following.

This is a fantastic framework for anyone to begin with a new Instagram content plan, even though I am certain that our strategy will change over time.

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